Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
GH12300015 20 each x clamp malleable galv dwg no sk 3119 13/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GH12300016 32 meter x bar flat copper h/drawn 6mm 40mm 4m 13/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GH12300019 800 each x connector abc ipc polyethylene 4-35mm² 13/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GH12300021 20 meter x bar flat copper h/drawn 6mm 50mm 4m 13/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GH12300022 40 each x contactor sl dilm17 240v 30a 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GH12300020 3 each x cradle transformer 315kva 13/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GA12201331 200 each x pepper spray neutralizer 100ml 15/07/2022 15:00 N/A
GA12201335 2 pair x shoes blk 13 male square toe 16 pair x shoes flat fem n/blue 7 8 pair x shoes flat fem n/blue 8 14 pair x shoes slip on blk 10 soft leather uppers 6 pair x shoes slip on blk 8 soft leather uppers 15/07/2022 15:00 N/A
GA12201334 315 each x shirt magnum s/slv male m/blue m 110 each x shirt magnum s/slv fem m/blue s 100 each x shirt magnum s/slv male m/blue s 15/07/2022 15:00 N/A
GA12201338 50 each x vest h/vis sleeveless dayglo yl l traf 20 each x vest h/vis slvless dglo yl+or m pol ta 15/07/2022 15:00 N/A
GA12201336 30 each x skirt ladies t/blue poly/wool 36 150 pair x socks long unisex n/blue law 475 pair x socks short male traf/blue all 15/07/2022 15:00 N/A
GJ12300018 5 each x floodlight hpst wide beam 150w sss 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300020 250 each x lamp fluorescent t8 58w 230v 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300019 2 each x ferrule crimp cu 16mm² stranded lv 12/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300022 66 each x jointbox cable cresin 4c 35-50mm2 e-kit 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300021 20 each x jointbox cable cresin 4c 300mm2 e-kit 14/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300023 20 each x contactor sl dilm50 240v 90a 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300025 60 each x jointbox tele cable resin 91-a3 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300024 30 each x jointbox tele cable resin 91-a4 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12300026 425 each x lamp t8 fluorescent (led) 24w 230v 08/07/2022 12:00 N/A