Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
IAL-741-22-23 Single lumen CV catheter with tissue ingrowth cuff 06/09/2022 00:00 N/A
VRH--301-22-23 various maintenance materials for hospital and wards 07/09/2022 00:00 N/A
lsh799 Hysteroscope set 07/09/2022 00:00 N/A
edu112.22.23 Minor and major servicing of generator 07/09/2022 00:00 N/A
Nse 282.2022.2023 supply and service of SHE bins  08/09/2022 00:00 N/A
GJM-412-22-23 Carestream Dryview laser Film 08/09/2022 00:00 N/A
GJM-411-22-23 Fuji CR Films 08/09/2022 00:00 N/A
ump0207-22-23 supply dental extraction stainless steel forceps and elevators see attached specification 09/09/2022 00:00 N/A
EGU 72-22-23- Patient linen 09/09/2022 00:00 N/A
CBH 0165 repairs to Ensingweni clinic buildings  09/09/2022 00:00 N/A
THH 97.2022-23 Supply/Deliver Printing Items 15/09/2022 00:00 N/A
THH 96.2022-23 Supply/Deliver Various Clothing Items 15/09/2022 00:00 N/A
THH 90.2022-23 Supply/Deliver Stationery Items 15/09/2022 00:00 N/A
KEV580-22 hot and cold water line reroute away from db board on third flow plan, 19/09/2022 00:00 N/A
KEV601-22 urgent repair leaking main 110 supply pipe in staff resident 19/09/2022 00:00 N/A
KEV590-22 after service repairs of kitchen equipment 19/09/2022 00:00 N/A
KEV600-22 urgent repair leaking main 110 fire line in n-block  19/09/2022 00:00 N/A
ESB 163.23 A Print and Supply HPRS Booklets for DOH -Female and Children 07/09/2022 00:00 N/A
ESB 161.23 A Soap liquid Wash anti bacterial 5Lt - pink 07/09/2022 00:00 N/A
ESB 158.23 A Supply and install complaints box at EastBoom CHC and Clinics 07/09/2022 00:00 N/A