Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
WA12300033 Repair cy252238 - claim 7153814 25/07/2022 10:30 N/A
WA12300032 Repair cy210143 - claim 7153737 25/07/2022 10:30 N/A
WA12300031 Replace & repairs cy272195 - claim 71538 25/07/2022 10:30 N/A
WA12300034 Repair cy198182 - claim 7153795 25/07/2022 10:30 N/A
WA12300036 Repairs 7153815 cy291585 25/07/2022 10:30 N/A
WA12300035 Cy304561 repair body panel km92647 25/07/2022 10:30 N/A
GF12300008 2 each x tray eggs(tray 48)size large 2 each x penaut butter 1kg 1 each x butter 1kg 2 each x jam apricot 900g 4 each x chips 25g(pack of 50) 6 each x lollipops yogurt (pack of 48) 6 each x fizzers 740g(pack of 48) 3 each x oranges 3kg(per bag) 4 each x apples 4.5kg(per box) 40 each x energy bar 40g 10 each x loaf of bread(brown) 15 each x loaf of bread(white) 18/07/2022 15:00 N/A
GF12300007 380 each x coffee creamer 1kg 280 each x coffee creamer 1kg 600 each x coffee creamer 1kg 2,000 each x coffee creamer 1kg 120 each x coffee creamer 1kg 180 each x coffee creamer 1kg 120 each x coffee creamer 1kg 22/07/2022 17:00 N/A
GF12300009 2 each x tray egg(tray of 48)size large 2 each x peanut butter 1kg 1 each x butter 1kg 2 each x jam apricot 900g 4 each x chips 25g(bag of 50) 6 each x lollipop yogurt(pack of 48) 6 each x fizzers 740g(pack of 48) 3 each x oranges 3kg(per bag) 4 each x apples 4.5kg(per box) 30 each x energy bar 48g 15 each x loaf bread(white) 10 each x loaf bread(brown) 18/07/2022 15:00 N/A
GG12300044 50 each x shade cloth 80% hd grn veh 3000mmx3000mm 26/07/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12300013 Catering 19/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GE12201668 30 each x cover hydrant polymer 395mm 320mm 19/07/2022 15:59 N/A
GB12300031 60 role x paper towel single ply, white 200mmx150m 114 role x paper towel single ply, white 200mmx150m 19/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GH12300056 1 each x soft starter 26/07/2022 12:00 N/A
GD12300054 610 meter x chain chainsaw 1.6mm/063"ref36210001640 244 meter x chain chainsaw 1.6mm/063"ref36210001640 25/07/2022 12:00 N/A
WH123I0008 Repairs 7153043 ca415290 21/07/2022 14:00 N/A
WH123I0009 Repairs 7153103 ca549317 21/07/2022 14:00 N/A
WH123I0010 Replace windscreen and rubber damaged 21/07/2022 14:00 N/A
WH123I0011 Attend to windscreen & rubbers 21/07/2022 14:00 N/A
GL12300046 4 activity unit x banner rolla welcome 2 activity unit x banner wall generic 22/07/2022 12:00 N/A