Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
WO.782739 Maintenance of Air Conditioning System for a period of 8 months. 10/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ.LD.340 Replacement of plastic bollards and fencing in UMW. 03/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/ED/2021-22/151 GRASS CUTTING AND APPLICATION OF 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/ICT /2021-22 /150 SUPPLY AND DELIVER OF 65 PRINTER 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
ADVERT NO. 24 ADVERT NO. 24 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
GE12200624 15 each x pipe socketed upvc 110mm 6m class34 29/10/2021 15:59 N/A
GE12200625 10 each x pipe socketed upvc 160mm 6m class34 29/10/2021 15:59 N/A
GE12200626 102 meter x pipe steel galvanised 40mm 6m sabs 763 29/10/2021 12:59 N/A
GE12200627 15 each x post fence galv with b/plate 50mm 3m 29/10/2021 15:59 N/A
GE12200629 100 meter x rod stl 1m 12mm 29/10/2021 15:59 N/A
GE12200628 100 each x razor wire concentina galv steel 450mm 29/10/2021 15:59 N/A
GF12200150 100 each x coffee creamer 1kg 200 each x coffee creamer 1kg 120 each x coffee creamer 1kg 1.200.00 each x coffee creamer 1kg 840 each x coffee creamer 1kg 669 each x coffee creamer 1kg 100 each x coffee creamer 1kg 200 each x coffee creamer 1kg 60 each x coffee creamer 1kg 03/11/2021 14:00 N/A
GM12200842 600 each x book hard cover 2quire a4 600 each x book hard cover 2quire a5 500 each x book hard cover 3quire a4 300 each x book hard cover 2quire a4 28/10/2021 17:00 N/A
GM12200863 Or oem certified equivalent (certificate 28/10/2021 17:00 N/A
WE12200072 Claim 7147819 reg no caa151142 28/10/2021 12:00 N/A
WE12200074 Repairs ca284814 - claim 7147577 28/10/2021 12:00 N/A
WE12200073 Claim 7147823 reg no ca687358 28/10/2021 12:00 N/A
WE12200075 Repairs caa151150 - claim 7147581 28/10/2021 12:00 N/A
GM12200843 500 each x book shorthand a5 360 each x book shorthand a5 28/10/2021 17:00 N/A
GM12200845 400 each x examination pad a4 400 each x examination pad a4 28/10/2021 17:00 N/A