Tender Details

400 each x 36g lays 400 each x seasonal fruit 400 each x 75g jelly tots 400 each x 300ml juice 400 each x plastic bag or paper bag

Tender Number:



City of Cape Town


Western Cape




400 each x 36g lays 400 each x seasonal fruit 400 each x 75g jelly tots 400 each x 300ml juice 400 each x plastic bag or paper bag

Closing Date:

19/01/2022 17:00

Site Inspection Date:


Tender Description:

RFQ Type Goods Goods Beverages & Refreshments Reference Number GF12200254 Title Refreshments Description 400 each x 36g lays 400 each x seasonal fruit 400 each x 75g jelly tots 400 each x 300ml juice 400 each x plastic bag or paper bag Specification* Strengthening Families Programme 400 X 36g Lays Chips or equivalent Delivery adress De Tyger Business Park Block 2Unit 2 Hannes Louw Road Parow North Delivery dates 07, 14, 21, 28 February 2022 07, 14, 21 and 28 March 2022 50 x 8 sessions = Total 400 ( To be delivered per week = 50) " Wherever reference is made to any particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin or Producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Contact Person Christina Simetu Contact Number 021 444 2395 * 400 X Seasonal fruit - Banana or Apple ( not brown) * 400 X 75g Energade Jelly Tots or equivalent * 400 X 300ml Oros Juice or equivalent Apple ,Orange, Berry, Red Grape, Mango * 400 X Clear plastic bag Delivery Date2022/02/07 Delivery ToCS - Social & Develop Christina Simetu CSSD De Tijger Business Park Delivery Address0 Hannes Louw Drive, Parow north Contact PersonChristina Simetu Telephone Number0214442395 Cell Number Closing Date2022/01/19 Closing Time05 00 PM RFQ Submission Fax0000000000 RFQ Submission Fax 2 Buyer Email AddressGF1.Quotations@capetown.gov.za Buyer DetailsC.Spence Buyer Phone0214006750 Attachments No Attachments NOTE The procurement of the goods in this category is only available for online quoting. The City of Cape Town has embarked on an online quoting system, via E-Procurement, on the E-services platform. No manual submissions will be accepted for these commodities and suppliers must log in to e-Services portal to access RFQ information and to submit a quote. Bids must be compliant with the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 including but not limited to local content, functionality, price and preference, eligibility criteria and relevant statutory criteria. The details of this are contained in the RFQ document and/or the specification advertised via E-Procurement. Only locally produced goods or locally manufactured goods, meeting the stipulated minimum threshold for local production and content, will be considered, where applicable.