Tender Details

For the provision of professional services for the development of the scope to employ a consultant to develop a logo for transmission Gauteng company south Africa

Tender Number:







Professionals & Consultants


For the provision of professional services for the development of the scope to employ a consultant to develop a logo for transmission Gauteng company south Africa

Closing Date:

18/07/2024 09:59

Site Inspection Date:


Tender Description:

Details Tender Number MWP2587TX Department ESKOM Tender Type Request for Quotation Province Gauteng Date Published Sunday, 30 June 2024 Closing Date 18/07/2024 Place where goods, works or services are required Eskom Megawatt Park-Sunnninhill -Johannesburg-2000 Special Conditions https //teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Njg0NzY5YTItZTVmMy00MzdlLWFmMTEtOGFmY2JlOWQyMmVi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2293aedbdc-cc67-4652-aa12-d250a876ae79%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d6c72f64-03c7-4066-951e-3e6a5b9429ab%22%7d ENQUIRIES Contact Person Senyanyathi Yvonia Moretsele Email moretssy@eskom.co.za Telephone number 011-800-4850 FAX Number N/A BRIEFING SESSION Is there a briefing session? Yes Is it compulsory? Yes Briefing Date and Time N/A Briefing Venue MST TENDER DOCUMENTS Eskom_Standard_Conditions_of_Tender_-_31_May_2024.pdf Professional Services for the development of the Scope for the employment of a consultant for NTC SA Branding 28062024 (002).pdf Eskom_General_Conditions_of_Purchase_-_31_May_2024.pdf Annexure_G_-_Tax_Compliance_Questionnaire_for_Foreign_Suppliers_(Manadatory_for_foreign_suppliers_to_complete).docx Integrity_Declaration_Form_-_15_February_2023.docx Supplier_Evaluation_Pack_Template_for_01_March_2024_to_29_February_2025.doc PSSC3 for the scope for branding.pdf Professional Services for the development of the Scope for the employment of a consultant for NTC SA Branding 28062024.pdf