Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
GG12200573 2,600 each x rivet blind steel 4.8mm x 18mm 23/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GG12200578 60 each x hinge leaf pressed stl 230mm 23/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GG12200559 180 each x care packs 600 each x care packs 24/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GG12200561 380 each x care packs 220 each x care packs 24/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GG12200560 150 each x care packs 300 each x care packs 24/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GG12200574 90 kilogram x rope polypropylene 12mm 3 strand 24/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GK12200142 10 each x gizzu adapt typec to gigabit bk 19/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GL1220081A 40 each x water fill jersey barriers 50 each x danger netting knitted 60 each x traffic calming baton 12 each x high visibility expanding barrier 100 each x delineator with blade and base 15 each x stop and go sign 15 each x caution, arrow board, men at work 25/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GL12200321 14 activity unit x microwaves 40l 2 activity unit x watercoolers 25/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GL12200322 1 each x 4 solid plate stove black 19/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GL12200318 1 each x portable whiteboard 19/11/2021 12:00 N/A
WA12200484 Service two compressors at potsdam wwtw 25/11/2021 14:29 N/A
WA12200485 Claim 7148025 reg no cy31431 25/11/2021 14:29 N/A
GL12200302 1 each x steel safe 1300x500cm 100kg singledoor 24/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GH12200719 6 each x fuse striker pin type1 125a 442mm 12kv 19/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GH12200720 28 each x fuse wire t/copper 45a 1.25mm 500g reels 25/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GH12200721 9 each x fuse striker pin type1 50a 442mm 12kv 19/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GH12200722 10 each x fuse unit cut out 27kv westeringcorp 25/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GH12200723 6 each x fuse unit cut out 22kv westeringcorp 25/11/2021 12:00 N/A
GH12200725 2 each x york box wc3 3phase meters 19/11/2021 12:00 N/A