Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
11251617 supply 300W LED lights as per scope 10/12/2021 00:00 N/A
11251727 Straddle maintenance for 3 months as per scope 10/12/2021 00:00 N/A
11242825 Service and maintenance of substation as per scope 10/12/2021 00:00 N/A
11251411 Electrical motor service and repairs as per scope 10/12/2021 00:00 N/A
11252407 Deep clean conveyor as per scope 10/12/2021 00:00 N/A
11252408 Deep cleansing of PE MPT ORE plant as per scope 10/12/2021 00:00 N/A
MMS.1015 Major service of transformers and switch gears at MMS. 08/12/2021 00:00 N/A
MMS.1016 Maintenance of golf carts for 12 months period at MMS. 08/12/2021 00:00 N/A
MMS.1042 Provision of retail outdoor activities at mms (re-advertisement). 08/12/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ_S.91 The supply, delivery and installation of or the provision of hiring hypervsn solo l devices. 08/12/2021 00:00 N/A
SD12200070 In-aa3 comptia a+ bootcamp 14/12/2021 09:00 N/A
SD1220073A Pm-itil4f - itil 4 foundation including 15/12/2021 12:00 N/A
SD12200072 Mc -tp togaf® 9 practitioner - lev 2 14/12/2021 09:00 N/A
GA12200597 4 each x chainsaw gloves 16 each x brush cutter gloves 07/12/2021 09:59 N/A
GA12200493 25 each x snake gaiter (anti bite shin gaurds) 3 each x climbing harness 07/12/2021 09:59 N/A
SD12200068 Bookbinding of sc 7 agenda 14/12/2021 09:00 N/A
SD12200071 Mc-tf-togaf® foundation premium - level 15/12/2021 12:00 N/A
SD12200074 Bookbinding of sc 13 agenda 08/12/2021 09:00 N/A
GN12200183 1.200.00 each x dressing pack sterile first aid small 07/12/2021 12:00 N/A
GE12200821 100 each x kerb polymer inlet 150mm 250mm 1m 10/12/2021 15:59 N/A