Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
GJ12201815 75 each x lugs crimping cu 150mm² 12mm 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GJ12201817 1,000 meter x cable cu 2c+e 2.5mm² surfix flat pvc 600 meter x cable cu 2c+e 2.5mm² surfix flat pvc 600 meter x cable cu 2c+e 2.5mm² surfix flat pvc 01/06/2022 12:00 N/A
GL12200785 200 each x fleece blankets 31/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GN12200542 500 each x single alcohol strip 26/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GC12201170 50 cubic meter x bark nuggets 26/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200742 Equine flu vaccines 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200743 Catering 31 may 2022 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200744 Catering 22 june 2022 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200745 Catering 31 may 2022 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200747 Cdw catering metro 1 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GC12201187 Supply of colilert consumables for the analysis of drinking and environmental waters for the city of cape town. 31/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200748 Catering council meeting 25/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GC12201173 2,000 each x chemical powdered bacteria mixt 200-300g 26/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GC12201172 1,000 each x bio enzyme granular for pit toilets 100g 26/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GC12201174 200 each x deodorant pine powder odour masker 25kg 31/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200749 Catering 02 june 2022 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
SS12200750 Catering 30 june 2022 27/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GE12201454 9 each x mop blue colour coded 9 each x mop yellow colour coded 9 each x mop red colour coded 9 each x mop white colour coded 27/05/2022 15:59 N/A
GC12201175 564 canister x furniture polish aerosol 300ml 26/05/2022 12:00 N/A
GC12201176 15 each x chemical bio-oxidant solution 25l 26/05/2022 12:00 N/A