Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
LSH447 dressing adhesive sterile 200x450mm 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
LSH445 dressing sterile450x475mm 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
LSH446 dressing adhesiv esterile 200x300mm  15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
LSH444 dressing adhesive sterile 560x760mm 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
UMZ 399-2021-22 MMC (Male Medical Circumcision) 20/06/2022 00:00 N/A
UMZ 110-2022-23 Visual Assistive Devices (12 Months Contract) 20/06/2022 00:00 N/A
UMP1165-22 Cleaning of buildings at otimati clinic see attached specification 24/06/2022 00:00 N/A
THH 28.2022-23 One Year Contract - Finger Lunch 17/06/2022 00:00 N/A
RKK211.22-23 Provision of cleaning, Porters & Messenger Services @ Gateway Clinic 17/06/2022 00:00 N/A
PSD0013.23 Electric Pedestrian Walk Behind Stacker 23/06/2022 00:00 N/A
PSD0012.23 Cleaning of Garden and Grounds at PPSD (6 months contract) 24/06/2022 00:00 N/A
NMH108 replace window units airconditioning qith 18000 btu split unit 22/06/2022 00:00 N/A
NEH-127-22-23 Repair/replacement of kitchen coldroom and freezer 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
NEH-126-22-23 Maintenance of gardens and grounds at hospital official houses for 12 months contract 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
NEH-120-22-23 Suture absorbable vicrly-o-braided synthetic-3.5 metric 70 cm (sterile) 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
NEH-119-22-23 Paper sterile crepe green 900 x 1300 mm 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
NEH-109-22-23 Thermoplastic & perforated splinting material, neoprene & pressure garment 15/06/2022 00:00 N/A
095-22   MGM Cleaning of garden and grounds at mgmh 22/06/2022 00:00 N/A
094-22  MGM Cleaning of garden and grounds at patc 22/06/2022 00:00 N/A
imb92-22-23 photocopy paper a4 Cancelled 17/06/2022 00:00 N/A