Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
PSD.0085.22 PPSD 5 Cardboard Boxes 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0083.22 PPSD 2 Cardboard Boxes 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0082.22 PPSD 1 Cardboard Boxes 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0084.22 PPSD 3 Cardboard Boxes 11/12/2021 00:00 N/A
psh519-2122 blood glucose test strips-cera check 05/11/2021 00:00 N/A
ZNQ138.KCD.21.22 ZNQ138.KCD.21.22 08/11/2021 00:00 N/A
ZNQ256.KCD.21.22 Red Jump Bag 08/11/2021 00:00 N/A
ZNQ195.KCD.21.22 Extra Soft PVC Uncuffed Endotracheal Tubes 08/11/2021 00:00 N/A
ZNQST470.21.22 Disposable inflation device kit with 3 way stopcock 05/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0073.22 Labels Oranger " Checked" 130mm x53mm 1000's 09/10/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0074.22 Printer Ribbon Tally Genicom 09/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0080.22 Labels Pre-Printed Blue 1000's 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0078.22 High Speed Line Matrix Printer 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0077.22 4 Ply Paper Issue Voucher 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0076.22 2 Ply Paper Receipt Note 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0079.22 Electrical Repairs  16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
PSD.0058.22 Maintanance Service to UPS Devices Readvert 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
OTH-163-22 Cleaning items 05/11/2021 00:00 N/A
OTH-162-22 CHAIRS 05/11/2021 00:00 N/A
MAD.655.2122 Service to steam reticulation 05/11/2021 00:00 N/A