Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
11248461 Silencer 28/10/2021 12:00 N/A
11248722 Dalkin VRV Aircons System Repair 02/11/2021 12:00 N/A
11243312 Auto electrical FOR THREE MONTHS 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
11244559 Supply and install radiators for 2500KVA 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
1247669 Bulk-head lights plastic cover 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
Comm 2021 99 Distribution of Metro Ezasegagasini Newspaper to the following four regions. South, West, Central and North. 26/10/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ146 AW Car Hire for Marketing Team. 28/10/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ144 AW Emergency Medical Services for December Period - 30 Days. 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ145 AW Supply & Deliver NOSA SHE Representatives Registers. 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ SZ40 Major Service and Repair. 02/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ952 AW The Supply of Competency Based Psychometric Assessments. 29/10/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ947 AW Supply & Delivery of Diving Gear-Wear. 02/11/2021 00:00 N/A
771515 WO.AM Replacement of Damaged Aluminium Double Doors. 05/11/2021 00:00 N/A
777834 WO.AM New Wall Plastering and Painting. 08/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ SZ41  Supply and Install Handrails. 05/11/2021 00:00 N/A
WQ64 12189 WhatsApp Business Enterprise Solution. 03/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ BS 160 Supply and Delivery of Plush Toys. 03/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ BS 162 The Supply and Delivery Of Swimwear. 03/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ948 AW Supply & Install Fire Fighting Equipment. 03/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7G 4035 Redesign, Develop And Print Smart Digital Tourism Visitors Guide For 1000 Hills Tourism. 03/11/2021 00:00 N/A