Tender Documents available for download. Just look out for the ⊛ sign for tender with attachments

Tender No. Title Closing Date Site Inspection
RFQ.SZ41 Supply and install handrails - Re-advert. 18/11/2021 00:00 N/A
COMM2021.102 Accredited service providers are invited to quote for Cluster Desks cable holes. 12/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7M.18888 Removal of sand silt and debris from open drains and road channels at uMlazi V section. 17/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7M.18891 Removal of sand silt and debris from open drains and road channels at uMlazi E section. 17/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7M.18893 Removal of sand silt and debris from open brains and road channels at uMlazi Q section. 17/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7N.4123 Creative interpretation of scientific concepts, data and other information relating to biodiversity in Durban for the publication (design) of the 13th State of Biodiversity Report for the Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department. 17/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7T.4084 Monitoring of people mover bus service operating in the central business district of Durban. 17/11/2021 00:00 N/A
W.O.768678 Repairs and commission the rain harvest system. 17/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7M.48367 Repairs to pathways and staircases for Bellair depot. 24/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7M.18901 Resurfacing required for ST Ives rd, Bellair. 24/11/2021 00:00 N/A
7H.18599 Provision of Professional to conduct specialist studies and WULA Application for Bhambayi Phase 1 Extension Juba Blose Housing Project. 24/11/2021 00:00 N/A
WO.AM.787947 Remove and install new ammonia oil port, isolation valves and associated piping. 18/11/2021 00:00 N/A
Comm2021.108 Removal and dumping of Asimile siyaqhuba posters to one of the municipal dumping sites or recycling places. 11/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/DHR/2021-22/172 BID COMMITTEE NQF LEVEL 5 – (CITY 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/DCS/2021-22/171 SUPPLY AND INSTALATION OF NEW 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/LED/2021-22/170 SUPPLY AND DELIVER OF MACHINERIES 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/FPM/2021–22/169 PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES AT 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/DMS/2021-22/168 VEGETATION CONTROL CEMETERIES 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/SCM/2021-22/167 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF WATERWORKS 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A
RFQ/SCM/2021-22/166 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY LIGHTING 16/11/2021 00:00 N/A