Tender Details

​Contract A814 for the Development of a Regional Transport Master Plan for Region G within the City of Johannesburg commenced on the 17 March 2021 and will expire on 16 March 2022, for the amount of R4 518 350.00 Including Vat. City intends to extend the contract period for Contract A814 for the Development of a Transport Master Plan for Region G for a further three and half (3.5) months on the same terms and conditions with no additional cost. The purpose of the extension is to enable the service provider to complete the work as prescribed in the scope of work

Tender Number:

A814 Extension Notice 116








​Contract A814 for the Development of a Regional Transport Master Plan for Region G within the City of Johannesburg commenced on the 17 March 2021 and will expire on 16 March 2022, for the amount of R4 518 350.00 Including Vat. City intends to extend the contract period for Contract A814 for the Development of a Transport Master Plan for Region G for a further three and half (3.5) months on the same terms and conditions with no additional cost. The purpose of the extension is to enable the service provider to complete the work as prescribed in the scope of work

Closing Date:

16/03/2022 12:00

Site Inspection Date:


Tender Description:

​Contract A814 for the Development of a Regional Transport Master Plan for Region G within the City of Johannesburg commenced on the 17 March 2021 and will expire on 16 March 2022, for the amount of R4 518 350.00 Including Vat. City intends to extend the contract period for Contract A814 for the Development of a Transport Master Plan for Region G for a further three and half (3.5) months on the same terms and conditions with no additional cost. The purpose of the extension is to enable the service provider to complete the work as prescribed in the scope of work