Tender Details
Eskom is in particular interested in exploring the following types of structures • Bond Private Placement for medium to long term tenor. • Sizable Loan facilities for a medium to long term tenor. • Other funding products excluding international bond issuance, working capital solutions and “ECA framework” based solutions.
Tender Number:
CORP 5661
Eskom is in particular interested in exploring the following types of structures • Bond Private Placement for medium to long term tenor. • Sizable Loan facilities for a medium to long term tenor. • Other funding products excluding international bond issuance, working capital solutions and “ECA framework” based solutions.
Closing Date:
03/12/2021 09:59
Site Inspection Date:
Tender Description:
Eskom is in particular interested in exploring the following types of structures • Bond Private Placement for medium to long term tenor. • Sizable Loan facilities for a medium to long term tenor. • Other funding products excluding international bond issuance, working capital solutions and “ECA framework” based solutions. ShweniS@eskom.co.za Eskom Holdings SOC LimitedMegawatt Park 1 Maxwell DriveSunninghill2157 2021-12-03T10 00 00 Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Tender Office Megawatt Park (Retail Centre) 1 Maxwell Drive Sunninghill 2157 03-Dec-2021 10 00