Tender Details
The Supplier Development and Localisation, cordially invites All Suppliers with interest in Peaking Generation Power Plant to a Virtual Supplier Workshop that will be held on 7 December 2021 09h00 to 12 00 (See attached advert)
Tender Number:
Virtual Supplier Workshop
Professionals & Consultants
The Supplier Development and Localisation, cordially invites All Suppliers with interest in Peaking Generation Power Plant to a Virtual Supplier Workshop that will be held on 7 December 2021 09h00 to 12 00 (See attached advert)
Closing Date:
26/11/2021 18:00
Site Inspection Date:
Tender Description:
The Supplier Development and Localisation, cordially invites All Suppliers with interest in Peaking Generation Power Plant to a Virtual Supplier Workshop that will be held on 7 December 2021 09h00 to 12 00 (See attached advert) Ndabulp@eskom.co.za Peaking includes Acacia Port Rex Palmiet Gariep Van der Kloof Drakensburg Ankerlig Gourikwa and Ingula Power Stations. 2021-11-26T18 00 00 To secure your seat, please respond with the Company name, the full name and email address of each delegate by no later than Friday, 26 November 2021 via email to Ms Phinda Ndabula, Ndabulp@eskom.co.za 26-Nov-2021 18 00