Tender Details
The works makes provision for the design, manufacture, factory acceptance testing, supply, transport, delivery and offloading, installation, and commissioning of four submersible sump pump/motors and associated equipment such as discharge connections, piping, valves, fittings and other accessories to enable satisfactory operation and fitness for purpose of the drainage system for Gariep
Tender Number:
Free State
The works makes provision for the design, manufacture, factory acceptance testing, supply, transport, delivery and offloading, installation, and commissioning of four submersible sump pump/motors and associated equipment such as discharge connections, piping, valves, fittings and other accessories to enable satisfactory operation and fitness for purpose of the drainage system for Gariep
Closing Date:
14/12/2021 09:59
Site Inspection Date:
Tender Description:
The works makes provision for the design, manufacture, factory acceptance testing, supply, transport, delivery and offloading, installation, and commissioning of four submersible sump pump/motors and associated equipment such as discharge connections, piping, valves, fittings and other accessories to enable satisfactory operation and fitness for purpose of the drainage system for Gariep caroluj@eskom.co.za Gariep Power StationGariep Dam Gariep 2021-12-14T10 00 00 Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Eskom Road Eskom Brackenfell, Main Store Building Ground Floor Western Cape 7535 E/JC3926-LD 14-Dec-2021 10 00