Tender Details
Placement/Outright Purchase of High Volume DNA/RNA Extraction Instrument including Maintenance and Service for a period of five (5) years at Tygerberg Medical School Virology Department.
Tender Number:
National Health Laboratory Service
Western Cape
Placement/Outright Purchase of High Volume DNA/RNA Extraction Instrument including Maintenance and Service for a period of five (5) years at Tygerberg Medical School Virology Department.
Closing Date:
10/12/2021 11:00
Site Inspection Date:
26/11/2021 11:00
Tender Description:
Department National Health Laboratory Service Tender Type Request for Proposal Province Western Cape Date Published Friday, 12 November 2021 Closing Date Friday, 10 December 2021 - 11 00 Place where goods, works or services are required Francie Van Zijl Drive - Tygerberg - Cape Town - 7505 Special Conditions N/A ENQUIRIES Contact Person Tebogo Molefe Email tebogo.molefe@nhls.ac.za Telephone number 011-555-0595 FAX Number N/A BRIEFING SESSION Is there a briefing session? Yes Is there a briefing session? Is it compulsory? Yes Is it compulsory? Briefing Date and Time Briefing Venue