Tender Details
Praktiseer Magistrate Office Construction of facilities for people with disabilities
Tender Number:
Public Works
Praktiseer Magistrate Office Construction of facilities for people with disabilities
Closing Date:
30/11/2021 11:00
Site Inspection Date:
Tender Description:
Department Public Works Tender Type Request for Bid(Open-Tender) Province Limpopo Date Published Friday, 05 November 2021 Closing Date Tuesday, 30 November 2021 - 11 00 Place where goods, works or services are required 78 Hans van Rensburg Street - Polokwane - Polokwane - 0700 Special Conditions This bid will comply with prequalification criteria for Preferential Procurement. Tenderers having B-BBEE level 1 and 2, EME or QSE will comply. The documents will be sold for R 100.00 if not downloaded from www.etenders.gov.za/www.publicworks.gov.za. Documents will be sold on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8h00 to 15h00 at 78 Hans Van Rensburg, Old Mutual Building. CIDB Grading required 3 GB or higher. This document has been uploaded in 3 parts. All 3 parts need to be downloaded, completed and signed where required and submitted as one document on tender closing date ENQUIRIES Contact Person Thato Morifi Email Thato.Morifi@dpw.gov.za Telephone number 015-293-8012 FAX Number N/A BRIEFING SESSION Is there a briefing session? NO Is there a briefing session? Is it compulsory? NO Is it compulsory? Briefing Date and Time Briefing Venue N/A