Tender Details
The Extension of Vredenburg Taxi Rank
Tender Number:
LB 2020/02
Western Cape
The Extension of Vredenburg Taxi Rank
Closing Date:
10/12/2021 12:00
Site Inspection Date:
11/11/2021 09:59
Tender Description:
Department SALDANHA BAY MUNICIPALITY Tender Type Request for Bid(Open-Tender) Province Western Cape Date Published Thursday, 04 November 2021 Closing Date Friday, 10 December 2021 - 12 00 Place where goods, works or services are required Vredenburg - Vredenburg - Vredenburg - 7380 Special Conditions Tenders are subject to the Standard Conditions of Tender and the Preferential Procurement Regulations No. R32 of 2017. Tenders will be scored using the 80/20 system. Designated Local Production and Content regulations will be applied to this. A compulsory clarification meeting with representitives of the Employer will take place at A compulsory briefing session will be held at 10h00 on 11 November 2021 at the Langebaan Town Hall, c/o Bree & Suffren Streets, Langebaan. No grace period will be allowed. on 2021/11/11 starting at 10h00. ENQUIRIES Contact Person Mr. C Van Tonder Email mlanga@sbm.gov.za Telephone number 073-187-8266 FAX Number N/A BRIEFING SESSION Is there a briefing session? Yes Is there a briefing session? Is it compulsory? Yes Is it compulsory? Briefing Date and Time Briefing Venue