Tender Details
The panel appointment of 60 contractors for the provision of Minor reticulation services for a period of 48 Months on an as and when required basis in the LimLanga cluster (Limpopo Area).CIDB GRADING 2EP OR HIGHER
Tender Number:
The panel appointment of 60 contractors for the provision of Minor reticulation services for a period of 48 Months on an as and when required basis in the LimLanga cluster (Limpopo Area).CIDB GRADING 2EP OR HIGHER
Closing Date:
24/01/2025 09:59
Site Inspection Date:
10/12/2024 09:59
Tender Description:
Details Tender Number LP00162AS-R Department ESKOM Tender Type Request for Bid(Open-Tender) Province Limpopo Date Published 29/11/2024 Closing Date 24/01/2025 10 00 Place where goods, works or services are required Millennium Building 90 Hans Van Rensburg Street-Polokwane-Polokwane-0699 Special Conditions N/A ENQUIRIES Contact Person Annah Sivetshe Email sivetsa@eskom.co.za Telephone number 015-299-0125 FAX Number N/A BRIEFING SESSION Is there a briefing session? Yes Is it compulsory? No Briefing Date and Time 10/12/2024 10 00 Briefing Venue https //teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_N TENDER DOCUMENTS INVITATION TO TENDER Minor Reticulation LP00162-R.pdf Technical Evaluation Criteria.pdf NEC Short Contract Minor Reticulation.pdf Mandatory Acceptance of rates document.pdf Standard_Bidding_Document_(SBD)_4_Bidders_Disclosure.pdf PAYE Questionnaire for Service Contracts 2024_2025.pdf Mandatory Addendum LC SI 175_Technical Requirements for Minor Retic Services.pdf 240-62044728 (Rev. 11) Eskom Holdings Ltd Standard Conditions of Tender.pdf Occupational Health and safety Act Section 37(2) Agreement Form.pdf Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Vendors REV1.docx Annexure B Acknowledgement Form for Eskom OHS legal and other requirements_.pdf