Tender Details
For the Supply and Delivery of Cleaning and Hygiene Material packs to Pyramid South for a period of twenty four (24) Month on an as and when required
Tender Number:
Transnet SOC Ltd
For the Supply and Delivery of Cleaning and Hygiene Material packs to Pyramid South for a period of twenty four (24) Month on an as and when required
Closing Date:
23/06/2022 09:59
Site Inspection Date:
Tender Description:
Department Transnet SOC Ltd Tender Type Request for Quotation Province Gauteng Date Published Wednesday, 15 June 2022 Closing Date Thursday, 23 June 2022 - 10 00 Place where goods, works or services are required null Special Conditions Where bid documents can be obtained The bid can be downloaded from this website (https //www.transnet.net) Transnet has implemented a new electronic tender submission system, the e-Tender Submission Portal, in line with the overall Transnet digitalization strategy where suppliers can view advertised tenders, register their information, log their intent to Respond to bids and upload their bid proposals/responses on to the system. RESPONDENTS ARE TO UPLOAD THEIR BID RESPONSE PROPOSALS ONTO THE TRANSNET SYSTEM AGAINST EACH TENDER/RFQ SELECTED. The Transnet e-Tender Submission Portal can be accessed as follows Log on to the Transnet eTenders management platform website (https //www.transnet.net) ENQUIRIES Contact Person Dudu Mkhwebane Email dudu.mkhwebane@transnet.net Telephone number 012-315-4121 FAX Number N/A BRIEFING SESSION Is there a briefing session? NO Is there a briefing session? Is it compulsory? NO Is it compulsory? Briefing Date and Time Briefing Venue N/A