Tender Details
The Supply, Design, Transportation, Erection and Dismantling of Scaffolding for ERI Construction Services, Cabling, in Mpumalanga Province on various Power Stations on a as and when needed basis
Tender Number:
The Supply, Design, Transportation, Erection and Dismantling of Scaffolding for ERI Construction Services, Cabling, in Mpumalanga Province on various Power Stations on a as and when needed basis
Closing Date:
21/06/2022 09:59
Site Inspection Date:
Tender Description:
Office Location THE TENDER OFFICEUNIT 5, HERITAGE OFFICE PARK,CORNER HUNSLET AND LOWER GERMISTONROAD,ROSHERVILLEJOHANNESBURG Email Address PosthuEC@eskom.co.za Scope Details The Supply, Design, Transportation, Erection and Dismantling of Scaffolding for ERI Construction Services, Cabling, in Mpumalanga Province on various Power Stations on a as and when needed basis Tender box address THE TENDER OFFICE UNIT 5, HERITAGE OFFICE PARK, CORNER HUNSLET AND LOWER GERMISTON ROAD, ROSHERVILLE JOHANNESBURG Description The Supply, Design, Transportation, Erection and Dismantling of Scaffolding for ERI Construction Services, Cabling, in Mpumalanga Province on various Power Stations on a as and when needed basis Summary The Supply, Design, Transportation, Erection and Dismantling of Scaffolding for ERI Construction Services, Cabling, in Mpumalanga Province on various Power Stations on a as and when needed basis