Tender Details
Appointment of a service provider or a contractor, for demolition of existing building and disposal of that material, concrete foundations, wet trades, new storage section building, roof structure, building finishes, waterproofing, mechanical installation, plumbing installation, electrical installation, structural steel, fire suppression, paintwork and clean and snagging of the new building.
Tender Number:
Professionals & Consultants
Appointment of a service provider or a contractor, for demolition of existing building and disposal of that material, concrete foundations, wet trades, new storage section building, roof structure, building finishes, waterproofing, mechanical installation, plumbing installation, electrical installation, structural steel, fire suppression, paintwork and clean and snagging of the new building.
Closing Date:
21/06/2022 09:59
Site Inspection Date:
Tender Description:
Office Location UNIT 5 ERI HERITAGE OFFICE PARKCORNER HUNSLET AND LOWER GERMISTON ROADROSHERVILLE GERMISTONJOHANNESBURG Email Address phakoakm@eskom.co.za Scope Details Appointment of a service provider or a contractor, for demolition of existing building and disposal of that material, concrete foundations, wet trades, new storage section building, roof structure, building finishes, waterproofing, mechanical installation, plumbing installation, electrical installation, structural steel, fire suppression, paintwork and clean and snagging of the new building. Tender box address UNIT 5 ERI HERITAGE OFFICE PARK CORNER HUNSLET AND LOWER GERMISTON ROAD ROSHERVILLE GERMISTON JOHANNESBURG Description Appointment of a service provider or a contractor, for demolition of existing building and disposal of that material, concrete foundations, wet trades, new storage section building, roof structure, building finishes, waterproofing, mechanical installation, plumbing installation, electrical installation, structural steel, fire suppression, paintwork and clean and snagging of the new building. Summary Appointment of a service provider or a contractor, for demolition of existing building and disposal of that material, concrete foundations, wet trades, new storage section building, roof structure, building finishes, waterproofing, mechanical installation, plumbing installation, electrical installation, structural steel, fire suppression, paintwork and clean and snagging of the new building.